新闻中心 News


时间: 2019-05-07
主题 课程名称 课程内容 授课老师 授课老师简介
核心课程 1微观经济学 本课程包括均衡价格理论、消费者选择理论、生产和成本理论、不同市场中的厂商决策理论及生产要素价格决定理论和一般均衡理论。This course includes equilibrium price theory, consumer choice theory, production and cost theory, firm decision theory in different markets, factor price determination theory and general equilibrium theory. 施丹ShiDan  施丹,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,副教授。从教31年来,专注于经济学的教学工作,承担了大量经济学教学工作。教学经验丰富,教学态度认真,所授课程深受同学欢迎。Shi Dan, Associate Professor, School of International Economics and Trade, University of Foreign Economics and Trade. Since 31 years of teaching, She have been concentrating on the teaching of economics and undertaking a lot of teaching work of economics. With rich teaching experience and earnest teaching attitude, the courses offered are well received by students.
2宏观经济学 本课程包括国民收入核算理论、商品市场均衡分析、IS-LM模型、总供求模型(AS-AD模型)、宏观经济政策、菲利普斯曲线和经济增长理论。This course includes National Income Accounting Theory, the equlibrium in goods market, IS-LM Model, Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Model, monetary and fiscal policy, the Phillips Curve and Economic Growth Theory. 施丹ShiDan  施丹,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,副教授。从教31年来,专注于经济学的教学工作,承担了大量经济学教学工作。教学经验丰富,教学态度认真,所授课程深受同学欢迎。Shi Dan, Associate Professor, School of International Economics and Trade, University of Foreign Economics and Trade. Since 31 years of teaching, She have been concentrating on the teaching of economics and undertaking a lot of teaching work of economics. With rich teaching experience and earnest teaching attitude, the courses offered are well received by students.
3国际经济学 【课程名称】
International economics 
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the international institutions that affect them. It seeks to explain the patterns and consequences of transactions and interactions between the inhabitants of different countries, including trade, investment and migration.It also analyse the BOP, foreign exchange and exchange rate as well as International Monetary system.
樊瑛 经济学博士、博士后。对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授,曾获校级优秀教师称号、王林生奖教金,主要研究领域国际服务贸易,曾主持参与国家社科、国家自科课题。主讲:《国际贸易》、《国际经济学》
Ying Fan
PH.D, associate professor of SITE,UIBE. Ying FAN ’s teaching and research fields are international trade in services and international business environment. She was in charge of two research projects----“Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Services Firms” supported by National Social Science Foundation of China in 2011 and “Trade Liberalization of Services in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2014.
Ying Fan teaches International Economics and International Trade for both undergraduate and graduate students. 
4社会主义经济理论 本课程主要包括以下内容:社会主义经济制度的本质特征、社会主义市场经济理论、向社会主义市场经济体制的渐进过渡、国有企业改革、社会主义条件下的分配制度、社会主义经济增长与经济发展、社会主义市场经济条件下的经济结构调整、社会主义对外经济关系以及社会主义市场经济条件下的政府调节等。
This course mainly includes the following contents: the essential characteristics of the socialist economic system, the theory of socialist market economy, the gradual transition to the socialist market economic system, the reform of state-owned enterprises, the distribution system under socialist conditions, socialist economic growth and economic development, economic restructuring under the conditions of the socialist market economy, socialist foreign economic relations, and government regulation under the conditions of a socialist market economy.
陈福中 Chen Fuzhong 陈福中,经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授、政治经济学系主任、惠园优秀青年学者,美国罗德岛大学访问学者,中国政治经济学会理事。研究方向为消费金融学、对外贸易与国际产业以及社会主义经济理论,在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《中国工业经济》、《财贸经济》及《Social Indicators Research》等学术期刊发表论文10余篇,先后获教育部博士研究生学术新人奖、安子介国际贸易研究学术鼓励奖以及全国商务发展研究成果优秀论文奖等省部级奖项,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、教育部人文社科基金项目1项以及北京市社科联青年人才项目1项,参与国家级和省部级项目10余项。
Chen Fuzhong, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the School of International Economics and Trade, University of International Business and Economics, Department Chair of Political Economy, Huiyuan Outstanding Young Scholar, Visiting Scholar at the University of Rhode Island, and Director of the Chinese Political Economy Association. His research interests include consumer finance, foreign trade and international industries, and socialist economic theory. He has published more than 10 papers in academic journals such as Economic Research, Management World, China Industrial Economy, Finance and Trade, and Social Indicators Research.He has won provincial and ministerial awards such as the Doctoral Scholar Newcomer Award from the Ministry of Education, the Anzijie International Trade Research Academic Encouragement Award, and the National Business Development Research Outstanding Paper Award. He has been responsible for one project of National Natural Science Foundation project, one project of the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Fundation, and one project of the Youth Talent Project of Beijing Social Science Association. He have also participated in more than 10 national and provincial level projects.
5财政学 介绍财政的基础理论,包括政府职能、市场失灵和公共选择等。以此为基础,介绍政府收支的政策现实和评价方法等,具体包括公共支出理论、购买性支出、转移性支出、税收理论、各类税收。此外,还介绍政府预算、公债(包括地方债)等知识。This class introduces the basic theories of public finance, including responsibility of government, market failure, public choice, and etc. Based on these theories, we then introduce policies and evaluation methods for public spending and revenues, including theory of public expenditure, government purchasing, transfers, theory of taxation, and types of taxes. Meanwhile, we also talk about knowledge about public budget, public bonds (including LGFVs), and so on.  毛捷 毛捷 对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院教授、博导,财税学系主任,国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,主持国家社科基金重大项目、国家自科基金项目等国家级课题以及财政部等政府部门委托课题,在国内外高水平学术期刊发表论文60多篇。
6货币银行学 学习金融对于学生未来进行证券投资,私募股权投资和其他投资活动非常重要。本课程的目标是教会学生什么是货币银行学,并分析金融市场的基本理论。 课程关注中国的具体情况,使其成为一门融合理论与实践的中国特色课程。Li Ming, professor and octoral supervisor of the University of International Business and Economics, assistant to the dean of the School of International Economics and Trade, was selected as an outstanding young scholar of Huiyuan in University of International Business and Economics. One translation work and more than 20 papers were published in both Chinese and English magazines such as Economic Research, Management Economic Policy (SSCI), Applied Economics (SSCI). A number of scientific research projects from the National Natural Science Foundation, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education. These research findings have wide impact, receiving the Outstanding Achievement Award for Business Development Research Achievements of the Ministry of Commerce. Part of them provide important references for decision-making by some central and local departments. 李明liming 李明,对外经济贸易大学教授、博导,国际经贸学院院长助理,入选对外经济贸易大学惠园优秀青年学者。Learning finance is very important for students to do securities investment, private equity investment, and other investment activities in the future.The objectives of this course is to teach students what is money and banking, and analyze basic theory of financial market. Pay attention to specific situation of China, make it a course with Chinese characteristics that integrates the theory and practice.
必修课程 1奢侈品市场营销学 该课程主要论述奢侈品产业的发展历程;理解奢侈品市场营销有哪些主要特点;奢侈品市场营销与普通市场营销的区别;奢侈品市场营销的主要策略;奢侈品区别普通商品的产品特征;奢侈品企业如何利用产品来营造稀缺性;奢侈品的无形特征有哪些?奢侈品有何象征意义?同时,论述了奢侈品的产品延伸策略。如何看待奢侈品企业提供的服务水平? 如何理解奢侈品企业基于价值的定价模式?如何看待奢侈品企业的高价格策略?奢侈品的高价格都体现在哪些方面?如何看待奢侈品企业所实施的不同地区的价格差别化策略?简述奢侈品分销渠道的类型。简述奢侈品分销渠道与大众消费品分销渠道的不同点。比较直接分销和间接分销的优缺点。简述奢侈品分销渠道建立决策的过程及需要考虑的主要因素。简述奢侈品分销渠道管理的内容及需要注意的事项。简述奢侈品促销的目的。简述奢侈品广告策略制定的步骤以及注意事项。简述奢侈品品牌通常采用的公关活动的类型。简述奢侈品危机公关的要点。奢侈品促销组合与大众消费品促销组合的异同。

• Luxury goods marketing is a basic course that is focused on luxury goods and service marketing principles and strategy. First, the courses will overview the fundamental concept and principles of contemporary luxury good marketing. Next, the course will focus on marketing mix. Then marketing strategies will be discussed. Finally, the course will cover various aspects of developing and implementing marketing programs.

The objectives of the course are:
(a) To provide the students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of contemporary luxury goods marketing;
(b) To develop the students’ knowledge of and sensitivity to the unique strategies in which marketing takes place;
(c) To develop students’ ability to make managerial decisions in luxury goods marketing;
(d) To prepare students for possible career in luxury goods marketing.

•国际经济贸易学院教授,博士生导师。英国诺森比亚大学管理学博士。主要教授的课程有市场营销学;国际市场营销;奢侈品市场营销和特许经营等课程。曾经先后在国外下面的大学访问和学习。Research Interests: Marketing management, franchising, international marketing, international trade, International Business.Doctor of Business Administration : Northumbria University, Newcastle Business School, UK .April 2008
Master of Economics: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China,1988

Bachelor of Business English: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China,1979

Visiting scholar: Seton Hall University, USA (1985)

University of South Carolina, USA (1991)

University of Technology Sydney, Australia (1997)

Visiting professor: University of Technology Sydney, Australia (1998-2000)

Brenau University, USA (2011)
Morris University, USA (2013)

2奢侈品品牌管理 奢侈品品牌管理课程是奢侈品管理专业的核心课程之一,主要内容包括:奢侈品品牌运营、奢侈品品牌保护、奢侈品品牌战略与危机管理、奢侈品品牌与一般品牌在塑造过程中的异同等,合计32课时。
Luxury brand management course is one of the core courses of luxury management major, and the main content includes: luxury brand operation, luxury brand protection, luxury brand strategy and crisis management, the similarities and differences between luxury brands and general brands in the process of shaping, etc., with a total of 32 class hours.
  Zhouyun,was born in 1972, native place is Shandong province, now, a assistant professor in NCUT, the member of China Democratic League. graduated from Uibe in 2005, have been a teacher in North China University of Technology. focus mainly in the research of luxury brand management.
3奢侈品客户关系管理 《奢侈品客户关系管理》的课程目标是,在奢侈品行业背景下,1.了解关系营销策略的基本原理; 2.了解LCRM中使用的指标,尤其是客户价值; 3.评估客户忠诚度; 4.了解为实现客户价值最大化用于有效分配营销资源的工具,5.了解LCRM实施问题。In the context of the luxury industry, the Course Objectives of “Luxury Customer Relationship Management, LCRM” are 1. Understand the fundamentals of Relationship Marketing Strategy; 2. Understand the metrics used in LCRM, especially customer value; 3. Evaluate the phenomenon of customer loyalty; 4. Understand the tools used for efficient allocation of marketing resources to maximize customer value; 5. Develop an understanding of LCRM implementation issues. 
  张梦霞 法国国家博士,对外经济贸易大学教授、博导,北京市教学名师。北京师范大学理学(数学)学士,法国Université de Grenoble II (管理学)硕士、博士,对外经济贸易大学中国奢侈品研究中心主任,中国奢侈品消费行为研究博士后流动站博后导师。中国市场学会品牌专业委员会副主任;中国管理学会品牌委员会副主任;法国科学院CERAG UMR CNRS 5820 研究员;《中国城市报》(属《人民日报》)品牌专业委员会专家委员;《品牌研究》编委;北京时尚控股有限公司专家委员会委员等;法国和加拿大多所知名大学客座教授、博导。主要研究领域:时尚奢侈品消费行为、战略营销管理、战略品牌管理、品牌价值理论、特许经营、跨文化研究、国际贸易与商务等。公开发表学术论文及专著70余篇部,其中多数发表在包括国际一流学术期刊在内的国内外知名学术期刊。主持或参与国家级和省部级以上项目10余项。荣获北京市哲学社科二等奖、入选教育部中国加拿大政府交流学者奖学金等、北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划学术创新人才。全国际商务专业学位研究生教育指导委员会“第二届全国国际商务硕士优秀学位论文奖”导师、“第一届全国国际商务案例大赛三等奖”优秀指导教师。Mengxia Zhang, Ph.D (Université de Grenoble II, France),Professor of Marketing and Ph. D. supervisor of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). She is renowned professor in Beijing. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) degree in Beijing Normal University, further study was pursued in Université de Grenoble II, achieving DEA as well as Ph. D. in Management. The current positions are also as follows: director of Chinese Luxury Research Center in UIBE, postdoctoral supervisor of Postdoctorate of China’s Luxury Goods Consumer Behavior Research, deputy director of China Marketing Association-Brand Management Committee, deputy director of China Management Association-Brand Committee, researcher of CERAG UMR CNRS 5820, expert member of Brand Committee of China city (a part of People’s Daily), editorial board of Brand Research, expert member of Beijing Fashion Holdings Co., Ltd. as well as visiting professor and Ph. D. supervisor of many top universities in France and Canada. As for the main research fields, great importance is attached to luxury fashion consumer behavior, strategic marketing management, strategic brand management, brand value theory, franchise, cross-cultural studies, global trade and business along with other aspects. In the perspective of research results, about seventy academic papers and monographs have been published, most of which were in prominent academic journals both at home and abroad including world-class ones. Apart from those intellectual achievements, efforts have also been made in projects by presiding over or participating in around ten projects in total at both national and provincial levels. Important honors received consist of Second Prize for Philosophy and Social Sciences in Beijing, Sino-Canada Scholarships for Exchange Scholars awarded by Ministry of Education, Academic Innovation Talents of Cultivating High-quality Educators Plan among Beijing Municipal Colleges and Universities, Supervisor of “The Second Session of National Award for Excellent Thesis of Master of International Business” awarded by National MIB Education Steering Committee, and Excellent Instructor of “Third Prize of The First Session of National International Business Case Competition”. 
4奢侈品消费者行为学 本课程运用消费者行为学、心理学、社会学、市场营销学等多学科理论知识,结合丰富的案例,深入探讨奢侈品消费者行为产生的根源及影响因素,带领学生全面审视全球奢侈品市场,特别是以中国为代表的新兴奢侈品市场,为学生日后的相关奢侈品行业工作提供理论基础和实践经验。
This course introduces students to the consumption process of luxury goods and services. By means of economic, marketing and psychological research methods, this course is aimed at exploring the reasons that consumers are keen on luxuries and the ways they consume. In particular, students are asked to segment specific luxury markets based on diverse psychological perception, demographic, economic and culture circumstances.
王菲 Wang Fei 中国社会科学院大学教授助理,对外经济贸易大学奢侈品研究中心研究员。对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学奢侈品管理方向博士,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学奢侈品管理方向硕士,摩纳哥国际大学奢侈品管理硕士,英国诺森比亚大学时尚品管理方向访问学者。长期从事国际商务,特别是全球奢侈品行业方面的研究。出版专著《奢侈品消费者行为学》。数篇奢侈品行业研究论文发表于国内外核心学术杂志。Wang Fei, Assistant Professor, University of China Academy of Social Science; Research Fellow, Research Centre for Luxury Goods and Services, University of International Business and Economics; Author of Consumer Behavoir in Luxury published in 2012.She was invited to be professor trainer in several luxury industry, such as CITI BANK, ICBC BANK etc, to be Special Author for Global Times Newspaper, to be Special Host for Voice of the Economy in China National Radio etc..
5奢侈品市场研究方法 《奢侈品市场调研》课程的总目标,是在奢侈品行业背景下,应用市场调研的技术和方法帮助奢侈品企业更好地进行营销管理决策,特别地,强调与奢侈品营销管理决策相关的信息和数据是如何收集和分析的。通过课程学习学生将能够:将营销管理决策问题转化为一个可行的市场营销调研问题;理解市场调研是一项有步骤的系统活动,每一项活动与其前一步骤的活动紧密相关;了解不同研究设计的优缺点;熟悉市场营销信息的多种来源渠道及数据收集方法;对调研误差和数据分析的局限性更加敏感;理解单变量和双变量数据分析技术(如,能应用适合的调研方法,理解数据分析结果对管理的影响);设计和执行基本调查研究项目。In the context of the luxury industry, the Course Objectives of 《Luxury Marketing Research》are: addresses the use of marketing research as an aid to making marketing decisions to a luxury company; specifically, how the information used to make marketing decisions is gathered and analyzed. At the end of the course participants will be able to: translate a marketing problem into a feasible research question; appreciate marketing research as a process that involves a sequence of activities, each compatible with the preceding activities; have a general understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of alternative research designs; be aware of the many sources of marketing information and the various means for gathering such information; be more sensitive to the biases and limitations of marketing data and basic data analysis; have a general understanding of univariate and basic bivariate data analysis techniques (i.e., should be able to decide when a technique is appropriate and understand the managerial implications of analytical results); and design and execute a basic survey research project.  张梦霞 张梦霞 法国国家博士,对外经济贸易大学教授、博导,北京市教学名师。北京师范大学理学(数学)学士,法国Université de Grenoble II (管理学)硕士、博士,对外经济贸易大学中国奢侈品研究中心主任,中国奢侈品消费行为研究博士后流动站博后导师。中国市场学会品牌专业委员会副主任;中国管理学会品牌委员会副主任;法国科学院CERAG UMR CNRS 5820 研究员;《中国城市报》(属《人民日报》)品牌专业委员会专家委员;《品牌研究》编委;北京时尚控股有限公司专家委员会委员等;法国和加拿大多所知名大学客座教授、博导。主要研究领域:时尚奢侈品消费行为、战略营销管理、战略品牌管理、品牌价值理论、特许经营、跨文化研究、国际贸易与商务等。公开发表学术论文及专著70余篇部,其中多数发表在包括国际一流学术期刊在内的国内外知名学术期刊。主持或参与国家级和省部级以上项目10余项。荣获北京市哲学社科二等奖、入选教育部中国加拿大政府交流学者奖学金等、北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划学术创新人才。全国际商务专业学位研究生教育指导委员会“第二届全国国际商务硕士优秀学位论文奖”导师、“第一届全国国际商务案例大赛三等奖”优秀指导教师。Mengxia Zhang, Ph.D (Université de Grenoble II, France),Professor of Marketing and Ph. D. supervisor of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). She is renowned professor in Beijing. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) degree in Beijing Normal University, further study was pursued in Université de Grenoble II, achieving DEA as well as Ph. D. in Management. The current positions are also as follows: director of Chinese Luxury Research Center in UIBE, postdoctoral supervisor of Postdoctorate of China’s Luxury Goods Consumer Behavior Research, deputy director of China Marketing Association-Brand Management Committee, deputy director of China Management Association-Brand Committee, researcher of CERAG UMR CNRS 5820, expert member of Brand Committee of China city (a part of People’s Daily), editorial board of Brand Research, expert member of Beijing Fashion Holdings Co., Ltd. as well as visiting professor and Ph. D. supervisor of many top universities in France and Canada. As for the main research fields, great importance is attached to luxury fashion consumer behavior, strategic marketing management, strategic brand management, brand value theory, franchise, cross-cultural studies, global trade and business along with other aspects. In the perspective of research results, about seventy academic papers and monographs have been published, most of which were in prominent academic journals both at home and abroad including world-class ones. Apart from those intellectual achievements, efforts have also been made in projects by presiding over or participating in around ten projects in total at both national and provincial levels. Important honors received consist of Second Prize for Philosophy and Social Sciences in Beijing, Sino-Canada Scholarships for Exchange Scholars awarded by Ministry of Education, Academic Innovation Talents of Cultivating High-quality Educators Plan among Beijing Municipal Colleges and Universities, Supervisor of “The Second Session of National Award for Excellent Thesis of Master of International Business” awarded by National MIB Education Steering Committee, and Excellent Instructor of “Third Prize of The First Session of National International Business Case Competition”. 
6奢侈品电子商务 该课程围绕全球市场转型,互联网和电子商务给企业所带来的机遇与挑战,特别是对奢侈品行业的影响,从商务角度介绍了电子商务,的基本理论解释,商业模式创新企业转型的战略以及跨境电子商务等等。课程主要从企业转型的战略角度讨论了互联网和电子商务如何为企业获得新的竞争优势以及企业如何应对未来信息技术创新给企业所带来的影响。
This course is to teach the students about how the internetand e commerceis bringing the global market transformation,the theories and explanation behind the ecommerce development.The course will be discussing with the students about how to understand and address the key issues around the changes ofthe firm strategy and marketing channels to adapt to the global new business environment
王健 王健,对外经济贸易大学国际商务和电子商务教授。国际商务研究中心主任,APEC跨境电子商务创新发展研究中心主任。他是商务部电子商务专家,APEC电子商务工商联盟专家委员会主席。也是联合国亚太经社会贸易便利化专家,国际商会数字经济委员会专家。他曾经做过许多研究和咨询, 包括为联合国撰写报告和出版物以及参与联合国电子商务立法,以及中国电子商务立法,参与电子商务和跨境电子商务相应的政策研究和制定。 Jian Wang, a chair professor of international business and e-business, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China. He is director of Center for International Business Studies and Cross-border E-commerce, an expert of APEC e-commerce Alliance, an expert of trade facilitation at UN ESCAPE, an expert of Digital Economy Committee of International Chamber of Commerce, and has done a lot of research and consulting on e-business model and regulation for policy makers and regulators. He is among the experts of consultants for China's legislation of e-commerce law. 
7奢侈品公司金融管理 课程简介:本课程从讨论金融市场的资金流动、利率的决定和利率结构出发,介绍金融市场的运作全貌,系统阐述债务证券市场、权益证券市场及衍生证券市场的运作情况,并深入分析市场机制下金融市场上各种金融工具估价与风险,详细介绍在金融市场上运用金融衍生工具进行套期保值和投机的原理和方法;另一方面系统介绍了市场机制下各类金融机构的运行,全面分析了各类金融机构对各类金融市场的作用及其在金融市场上扮演的角色。通过本课程的学习,不仅可以使学生理解和掌握有关金融市场和金融机构的知识,更能够通过实例的分析使学生掌握运用所学理论、知识和方法分析金融市场和金融机构的相关问题的方法,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。Starting from discussing the capital flow, interest rate decision and interest rate structure of the financial market, this course introduces the operation of the financial market, systematically expounds the operation of the debt securities market, equity securities market and derivative securities market, and deeply analyses the valuation and risk of various financial instruments in the financial market under the market mechanism, and introduces in detail the application of financial derivatives in the financial market. On the other hand, it systematically introduces the operation of various financial institutions under the market mechanism, and comprehensively analyses the functions of various financial institutions on various financial markets and their roles in financial markets. Through the study of this course, students can not only understand and master the knowledge of financial markets and financial institutions, but also master the methods of analyzing the relevant problems of financial markets, financial institutions and luxury companies' valuation by using the theory, knowledge and methods they have learned through the analysis of examples, so as to improve the students' ability to analyze and solve problems. 庄序莹
Doctor of Economics, Professor, School of International Economics and Trade, University of Foreign Economics and Trade. Mainly engaged in fiscal and taxation reform, financial management, state-owned assets management and other policy research. Research areas include securities market regulation, tax avoidance of multinational corporations, mixed ownership reform and so on. Presided over the National Social Science Foundation project, participated in the research of the National Natural Science Foundation project for tax avoidance of multinational corporations and several national social science fund projects. Promote policy research and evaluation in relevant fields.
8奢侈品买手与零售管理 传统奢侈品行业的零售模式;奢侈品零售店铺的管理;电子商务冲击下的奢侈品行业新型零售;买手的实际意义;买手制百货及买手店的经营模式;全球奢侈品行业零售现状。  The retail mode of traditional luxury industry; management of luxury retail stores; the new retail in luxury industry under the impact of e-commerce; practical significance of buyers; the business model of department store buyer and boutique stores; and the status of retailing in the global luxury industry. 李倩 
Li Qian
法国巴黎经济与商业高等商学院奢侈品品牌管理专业MBA学历毕业。曾服务并参与了Gucci,Cartier Tableware,Vertu,Hillton多个奢侈品品牌公司及项目。自2010年起在北京服装学院教授《奢侈品零售》。深谙奢侈品品牌运作及传播的她曾为Camille Fournet,Ice-watch,Dara等多个品牌提供顾问服务。担任英国管家协会“高端品质生活学院”院长并主持高端生活方式沙龙;曾任Ne Tiger,Shenbai高级定制市场总监暨合伙人;任中国设计师协会理事;2016年起创立LinkChic灵犀高级成衣品牌。  Li Qian, MBA in luxury brand management of the INSEEC Paris ,and lecturer of Luxury Retail at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology since 2010, has served and engaged in many luxury brand companies and projects concerning Gucci, Cartier Tableware, Vertu and Hillton. Well-versed in operation and communication of luxury brands, she once provided consultancy services for Camille Fournet, Ice-watch, Dara and other brands. Also, she served as the Dean of "High-end Quality Life College" of UK Butler Guild and presided over the High-end Lifestyle Salon, worked as High-end Custom Director and Partner of Ne Tiger and Shenbai and the Director of China Designers Association. In 2016, she founded high-end ready-to-wear brand LinkChic.
品鉴体验课 1珠宝鉴赏 珠宝作为奢侈品,甚至艺术品 在世界流通已经给上千年。珠宝世界绚丽多彩,自古以来对玉石有特殊喜好的国人,近年来对彩色宝石渐生好感;同时,彩色宝石也是拍卖场上的常客,瑰丽的珠宝是如何得到人们的青睐?众多珠宝中哪种值得收藏?哪种又适合佩戴?你的珠宝又该如何守护?

Jewellery’s world is brilliant and colorful. In recent years, Chinese have turned the attention to colored gemstones, who have special preferences for jade since ancient times. Colored gemstones are often seen on the auction. How do magnificent jewellery get people's favor? Which of the many jewels is worth collecting? Which one is suitable for wearing? How should you protect your jewelry?
Common colored gemstones include high-end gemstones such as ruby, sapphire, emerald, and cat eyes, middle and low-grade gemstones such as tourmaline, spinel, and aquamarine, as well as rare gemstones. Factors affecting the value of gemstones include not only weight, color, clarity, cut, but also fire and setting method.
This course will introduce the species, basic characteristics and identification methods , setting method, and evaluation criteria of gemstones.
郭颖Guo Ying 郭颖

Guo Ying
Associate professor and associate dean of School of Gemmology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing); Executive director and National Center Director of Chinese Culture Institutu of Internet Communication; Chief mineralogy science communication expert of China Association for Science and Technology; Head and Chief Scientist of the Expert Group on Scientific Communication of Jewelry and Jade in China Geological Society; Director of China Silicate Society Test Branch; Member of Academic Education Committee of China Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Industry Association; Huang Xiaoqing Youth Geological Science and Technology Award Teacher Award; the 7th National Excellent Science and Technology Worker.

2翡翠&玉石&珍珠鉴定 我国玉文化历史已逾万年,而翡翠文化历史仅有几百年。玉石是中国传统皇家及贵族常用饰品,是中国古老的奢侈品。虽然翡翠文化历史短暂,但是翡翠已经成为最重要、最受国人喜爱的玉石之一。翡翠是如何发展至今天的地位,又应如何对其进行准确鉴定和欣赏呢?
The history of jade culture in China has been more than 10,000 years, and the history of jadeite culture is only a few hundred years. Although the history of the jadeite culture is short-lived, jadeite has become one of the most important and most popular jade. How does jadeite develop to today's status, and how should it be accurately identified and appreciated?
The content of this course will introduce the concept, history, physical and chemical properties, variety, quality evaluation, original stone characteristics, and even some engraving techniques and value evaluation of jadeite.
郭颖Guo Ying 郭颖

Guo Ying
Associate professor and associate dean of School of Gemmology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing); Executive director and National Center Director of Chinese Culture Institutu of Internet Communication; Chief mineralogy science communication expert of China Association for Science and Technology; Head and Chief Scientist of the Expert Group on Scientific Communication of Jewelry and Jade in China Geological Society; Director of China Silicate Society Test Branch; Member of Academic Education Committee of China Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Industry Association; Huang Xiaoqing Youth Geological Science and Technology Award Teacher Award; the 7th National Excellent Science and Technology Worker.

3红酒品鉴 了解葡萄酒奢侈品牌,掌握高端葡萄酒的投资与收藏技巧。掌握葡萄酒的基础知识与品鉴,国际葡萄酒贸易,投资与收藏。培养识酒,懂酒,可以从事葡萄酒专业贸易投资方向的人才。 Learn about luxury wine brands,Master the investment and collection skills of luxury wine brands,Basic knowledge and appreciation of wine,International wine trade,Investment and collection.To cultivate talents who know wine knowledge, and can be engaged in wine trade and investment. 杨敏Yang min 对外经济贸易大学奢侈品中心研究员
获得法国火枪手勋章(此勋章为表彰对法国传统文化保护和葡萄酒教育 做成杰出贡献人士,与莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥同期获得)
多种专业媒体专栏作者1.Researcher of UIBE .LuxuryChina
2.Asia’s first master degree holder majoring in wine trading 
3.Executive Director of CCPIT Wine Centre. 
4.China’s the first state-registered auctioneer focusing on the wine industry. 
5. The official authorized lecturer of the French bordeaux association. 
6..One of the industry standard proposals drafters for the Chinese national wine industry (technical specification for wine storage management) 
7.Drafted China’s first university wine textbook. 
8.Lecturing China's first wine official certification course via online college lectures. 
9. “MOUSQUETAIRE” Medal Winner. Official organizer of the future star contest of Chinese colleges and universities (To expand the education and influence of wine through the competition between national universities. ) 
10. Freelancer of numerous professional media columns such as “Wine”.
4咖啡品鉴 课程内容包括:咖啡基础知识,包括咖啡的种类、种植、处理方式等;咖啡烘焙知识,包括咖啡烘焙原理、咖啡烘焙机和烘焙方法;咖啡风味感官杯测练习;常见咖啡萃取方法,包括手冲、虹吸壶、摩卡壶、比利时壶等;咖啡萃取实践课程;;咖啡兴趣问答。
Including: the basic theory of coffee, including coffee varieties, planting, processing; the basic theory of coffee roasting, including the roasting machine and the roasting progress; the coffee cupping; the basic brewing knowledge of coffee, including the hand drop, Syphon, Moka Maker, the Royal Belgium; the brewing operation, including the hand drop, Syphon, Moka Maker, the Royal Belgium; the open Q&A session.
刘家杰 刘家杰:从事咖啡制作、烘焙、培训工作近10年,担任多家咖啡培训学校咖啡讲师;咖啡电商公司咖啡产品线产品经理、咖啡烘焙经理。专长咖啡烘焙及咖啡豆的评测和拼配。 Having over 10-years’experience in the specialty area of coffee, working as a barista, a coffee roaster, and a tutor in barista training institution. Also, having been a product manager for a domestic e-commerce coffee brand, in charge of product development and coffee roasting. Having special opinion on coffer roasting, cupping and blending.
5奢侈品橱窗实操 奢侈品橱窗的历史;奢侈品橱窗行业现状;橱窗设计创意来源;奢侈品橱窗的设计、材料、工艺及执行;奢侈品橱窗创意实操演练。
The course introduces the history and current situation of luxury windows. The design inspiration, design process, use of materials and manufacturing process of a luxury window are explained in detail. You will have an opportunity to practice what you have learnt in class through actual operation.
Shi Yang
Shi Yang, the first generation of Chinese window and art display designers, promoter of Chinese window design industry, Chinese window dressing artist, the president of China Window Design Association, the vice chairman of China National Interior Decoration Association, the brand founder of Beijing Loushang Window Design, and the dedicated window designer of SKP Beijing, has been invited as the visiting window design professor of Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China, the guest window design artist of Swarovski and the guest window designer of Karl Lagerfeld.
6皮具箱包鉴赏 本课程内容包括中国奢侈品鉴定行业现状简介、奢侈品鉴定的必要性、常见奢侈品品牌的制作工艺,鉴定基础理论知识和实际操作、皮具的新旧评级、皮具的价格评估以及最后的交流答疑环节。
This course includes the introduction of the luxury goods authentication industry in China, the necessity of the luxury goods authentication, the craftsmanship of the most popular luxury brands, basic theory and practical exercise of the luxury goods authentication, methods to rate the condition (from old to new) of the leather goods, price assessment of the leather goods, and open Q&A session in the end.
Zhang Chen

 - 北京市专家管理办公室奢侈品鉴定评估专家
 - 北京市价格认证中心奢侈品箱包皮具&服饰类专家


Zhang Chen

 - the expert in the luxury goods authentication and appraisal of Beijing Expert Management Office
- the expert in luxury leather goods and apparel of Beijing Price Certification Center

Zhang Chen is the earliest authoritative luxury goods appraiser in China, who is engaged in the luxury goods appraiser training program and has a deep theoretical foundation and rich practical experiences. 
He gives long-term assistance to public security organs, procuratorial organs, people's courts, and China customs in the luxury goods authentication and price assessment, and also gives lessons to the large e-commerce enterprises like Alibaba and JD(Jingdong).
He is the leader of the luxury industry standards drafting group, which has drafted 6 industry standards includingandwith China General Chamber of Commerce and UIBE.Luxury China.
7色彩搭配与形象设计 课程内容包括:了解自我,外在穿着形象形成的原因; 有关于奢侈品服饰品类的色彩基础知识;色彩分类;色彩心理影响;人物着装色彩;奢侈品服装服饰色彩搭配技巧;自我着装色彩专业测试; 女士不同身型分析;扬长避短穿衣搭配方法;奢侈品各大品牌每年春夏,秋冬两季的着装色彩,面料,款式等流行趋势解读,其余关于奢侈品服饰搭配方向知识的互动实操练习及答疑等。The course content includes: understanding the self, the reasons for the formation of external dress image; Basic knowledge of color of luxury clothing category; Color classification; Color psychology; The color of characters' clothes; Luxury clothing color matching skills; Self-dress color professional test; Analysis of different body types of women; The method of dressing collocation; Interpretation of fashion trends such as colors, fabrics and styles of the major luxury brands in four seasons every year, as well as interactive practical exercises and questions on the knowledge of the collocation direction of luxury clothing. 李超然 李超然:从业10 年授课经验丰富,曾为全国人大代表形象设计师,各知识学习平台服饰色彩搭配,形象设计类课程学员好评第1名;在行形象设计类约见单数300+优秀行家,全国授课班次多达200+ ,为上百家企业提供过企业形象塑造等内训服务;首师大研究生院大学生就业形象讲师; 衣二三服饰色彩搭配类活动特邀嘉宾等。 liChaoran
Rich experience in teaching for 10 years. Used to be an image designer for NPC deputies. In the image design class appointment odd number of 300+ excellent experts, the national class shift up to 200+, for hundreds of enterprises to provide corporate image building and other internal training services; Lecturer of university students' employment image in the graduate school of Capital normal university; The second and third clothing color matching activities, such as special guests.
8非遗与手工 内画鼻烟壶
  Inner painted snuff bottle is one of the Chinese artifacts developed from the late Qing Dynasty. The art requires a homemade brush and a unique skill of inverse drawing. All the figurines, animals, birds and flowers, and calligraphy are hand painted on the frosted surface inside the bottle. High class inner painting looks exquisite and smooth in every detail stroke, and glamorous in colors without overlay marge.
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